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Empowering Lithuanian professionals in New York to excel, innovate, and celebrate their heritage through a collaborative community focused on personal and professional growth.

Collaboration. We believe that collaboration is the key to success. We foster an environment where members actively engage with one another, sharing ideas, experiences, and resources to collectively achieve greater outcomes. By working together, we amplify our impact and create a strong support network for everyone in the NYLP community.

Community. NYLP is more than just a professional club; it is a close-knit Lithuanian community. We value the sense of belonging and camaraderie among our members. We support each other's aspirations, celebrate achievements, and provide encouragement during challenging times. Our community is a place where everyone feels welcomed, appreciated, and valued.

Integrity. Upholding integrity is paramount in everything we do. We adhere to high ethical standards, honesty, and transparency in our interactions, both within the club and with external partners. Trust is the foundation of our relationships, and we strive to maintain it at all times.

Professionalism. NYLP club members embody professionalism in their conduct and work. We take pride in showcasing excellence, dedication, and competence in our respective fields. Professionalism guides our actions and ensures that we represent our Lithuanian heritage with pride and respect.

Our Values

NYLP Mission

Our Story

The NYLP club was founded in 2014 by Algirdas Grybas and the New York District Board of the Lithuanian Community of the USA. The first club event took place on December 16, 2014, in the premises of the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in New York. The first chairman of the club, who led the club until September 9, 2018, was Algirdas Grybas.

Video report on "Pasaulio Lietuvių Žinios" with images from the NYLP club meeting, where Lithuanian professionals gathered, inspired by the idea of ​​uniting and discussing how to intellectually contribute to Lithuania's progress in the world: 

The club united the community of young Lithuanian professionals, organized "Happy Hour" contact evenings, organized thematic events and discussions. The most active members of the club at that time were Algirdas Grybas and Eglė Redikaitė.
The New York Lithuanian Professional Club was part of the New York Lithuanian community and operated under its umbrella.
The NYLP club organized not only its own club events, but closely communicated and cooperated with the Lithuanian community of New York, the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in New York, the Global Lithuanian Leaders organization and organized thematic events, discussions and meetings together.

Rasa Sprindys became the second chairman of the NYLP club (chairmanship period: 2019-2020).
On February 22, 2020, at the initiative of Justinas Grigaitis, the NYLP club had an important strategic meeting of the core of the club at the premises of SLA (Lithuanian Alliance of America). From this day, it can be said that the Lithuanian professional club of New York came to life again and got a new breath. During the meeting, active club members (Justinas Grigaitis, Gedas Ramanauskas, Marius Vilemaitis, Karolina Marija Orr, Linas Nasvytis, Rytis Valiūnas, Ugnė Vaičiulytė Greta Butvilaitė, Rimvydas Baltaduonis and others) actively "brainstormed" the possibilities and future plans of the club.

Around April 2020, the NYLP club created a separate Facebook page, Greta Butvilaitė created the club's logo, which is still used today. It can be said that in 2020, the club separated from the Lithuanian community in New York and became a separate independent organization uniting ambitious Lithuanians.

At the beginning of 2022, when the leader of the NYLP club, Justinas Grigaitis, left to live in Switzerland, the active members of the NYLP club, Gediminas Ramanauskas and Marius Vilemaitis, saw that it was necessary to renew the club's activities. After several meetings with each other regarding the strategic nuances of the club, as well as the support received from Marija Šaraitė and Lina Dusevičienė, the management of the Global Lithuanian Leaders organization, G. Ramanauskas and M. Vilemaitis actively engaged in the necessary work of the club.

For about a year, G. Ramanauskas and M. Vilemaitis led the club together, dividing the work in half: M. Vilemaitis actively contributed to the supervision of charity projects and updating the club's structure, G. Ramanauskas actively contributed to other events, meetings, trying to attract new members, and updating the club's structure.

In January 2023, Gediminas Ramanauskas became the leader and president of the club. He attracted Andrius Neviera to the club's activities, who soon began to work as a commercial attaché at the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in New York and actively contributed to the activities of the NYLP club. In a similar period, Natalija Daubarė and Inga Jonikienė, Erika Gedvilaitė joined the club. Radvilė Maškevičiūtė also joined the club while working at the consulate, and very actively connected it with the activities of the consulate. This is how the board of members naturally formed.

The NYLP club actively organized various activities - thematic events and discussions on various topics, meetings with politicians, "Happy Hours" contact evenings, and team activity planning meetings.

In 2023, the Board of the NYLP club functioned by actively dividing the work among themselves - the president Gediminas Ramanauskas tried to connect the club members and form the Board, Inga Jonikienė actively contributed to the renewal of the club's communication and the creation of a new website, Karolina Marija Orr actively participated in professional events, Andrius Neviera organized "Happy Hours" evenings, Marius Vilemaitis led and organized meaningful charity projects. Ingrida Levinson-Shearin joined the club. At the beginning of 2024, after Vasarė Liutkevičiūtė and Gintarė Čerkasas actively joined the club, the communication of the club became even stronger and more active. Paulius Mendelis and Karolis Navickas joined the Board of the club. After joining the Board, Deividas Plerpa actively contributed to the club's activities and "Happy hours" evenings.

In 2024, the club experienced the fastest growth of members and had over 100 registered members by September 1, 2024.
Today, the NYLP club is growing rapidly, not only in terms of number of members, but also in terms of quality, and we hope that this is just the beginning of a successful journey.

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